Doctors and Lawyers Unite: How Your Doctors Can Work With Your Legal Team After Your AccidentMar 10, 2025Did you know doctors and lawyers often work together to ensure you can safely recover from an accident? You deserve to be represented on all fronts, so we work with your legal team to help you.Continue reading →
How Are Injuries Evaluated After Accidents?Feb 11, 2025You might already know you need to see a doctor after an accident whether you feel pain or not. But what does this evaluation entail, and how do doctors know what you need to recover safely after an accident? Continue reading →
Here’s Why It’s So Important to Seek Medical Care After an Accident — Even if You Feel FineJan 16, 2025It’s common to feel that you don't need to see a doctor because you walked away from a car accident. But the truth is many people experience surprise problems post-accident that could’ve been solved with a quick visit to an urgent care provider. Continue reading →
Injuries That Qualify For Workers’ CompensationDec 13, 2024You may know about workers’ compensation, but do you know what it covers and the types of injuries that may qualify? Check these facts about workers’ comp and see an urgent care doctor immediately if you believe yours is a work injury. Continue reading →
Why Am I Having Delayed Pain After My Car Accident?Nov 01, 2024Did you know it’s common for people to experience new or worsening pain several hours or days after a car accident? Unfortunately, this means many people don’t get help until their pain is already severe. Continue reading →
I Got Hurt on the Job: What Should I Do?Oct 08, 2024Getting into an accident on the job is often scary and painful. But the aftermath can be even more so, if you’re not sure what to do. Let us help you make the entire process easier when you visit our clinic. Continue reading →
What Doctor Should I See After a Car Accident in Texas?Sep 19, 2024You may not have known that you should visit a doctor after a car accident in the Lone Star State. But it’s important to also ask yourself what type of doctor you should see and why this is so necessary. Continue reading →
The Importance of Annual PhysicalsAug 13, 2024You may already know physical exams happen yearly, but do you see your doctor on a regular basis? In this blog, we offer some reasons your annual physical is not only important but necessary to your health. Continue reading →
5 Ways We Can Help After a Car Accident Jul 29, 2024A car accident can sometimes seem mild, so many people walk away from them without seeking medical attention. But it’s much safer to get immediate care as well as to take advantage of all the ways a clinic like ours can help you post-accident. Continue reading →
How to Determine if Your Cut Requires StitchesJun 20, 2024Did you know that there are some cuts that don’t require stitches at all, while others definitely do? But how can you tell the difference? We’re happy to show you which cuts require stitches so you can get the help you need.Continue reading →
Why Do I Have UTIs So Frequently?May 07, 2024Sometimes, medical providers treat frequently recurring UTIs like a hygiene problem. But this isn’t always the case. If you have UTIs often, you may be dealing with another condition entirely.Continue reading →
When Does a Fever Require Medical Intervention?Apr 16, 2024Did you know a fever can be just a small adjustment in your temperature, or it could be a serious sign that something’s wrong? It’s important to know when a fever is telling you the latter — and to get treatment when it does.Continue reading →
6 Signs of a ConcussionMar 11, 2024A concussion is a mild type of traumatic brain injury, but that doesn’t mean you can shrug it off. There are certain signs that a person has experienced a concussion, and if this is the case, they need medical attention immediately. Continue reading →
Injured on the Job? Explore Our Workers' Compensation ServicesFeb 12, 2024Did you know getting workers’ compensation often requires a number of requirements on your part? If you’ve been injured or gotten sick on the job, consider reaching out to a health care provider who knows just what is needed. Continue reading →
Why Pain Sustained During Auto Accidents Is Often DelayedJan 19, 2024Did you know it’s very common to sustain an injury in a car accident without knowing it until much later? This is because pain is sometimes delayed post-accident, causing you to feel fine in the immediate aftermath. But why?Continue reading →
Cold, Flu, or COVID-19: Which Do I Have?Dec 14, 2023It was hard enough to tell the difference between a cold and the flu, but it can feel even trickier now that COVID-19 is around. Fortunately, there are some subtle ways to tell these seemingly similar respiratory viruses apart. Continue reading →